Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Read 'n' Seed 1: Last Child in The Woods

Hey guys! I'm really excited to start reading Last Child in The Woods by Richard Louv. This book discusses how children are spending less and less time outdoors. This is called nature-deficit. The book starts by discussing the reasons that people have for spending time inside rather than outside. Two of the major reasons are that there is a lack of access to nature and that children have been taught so much about 'stranger danger.' The lack of nature is then linked to issues that our children have today, such as obesity, ADD, and depression. The book will then discuss solutions to these problems. 

I choose this book because I love spending time outdoors and think that it is very beneficial for children. This book will give insight on how to show the importance to others. I look forward to reading the ideas he has for getting people more active. 

Here are a few links for more information on the book
  1. The author's website
  2. A review of the book from a nature group
  3. An article about nature-deficit

Last Child in The Woods has a total of 336 pages and was published in 2005. There are 16 chapters within this book and I will read 4 chapters each week. 

Good luck to everyone with their readings and behavior changes!


  1. Your book sounds really interesting! I haven't thought of a lack of nature being a possible contributor of ADD. I grew up in the country, so I spent a good chunk of my childhood playing outside and agree it's beneficial to kid's health.

  2. Your book sounds very interesting. I also grew up in the country so I spent more of my time outdoors than indoors. When I graduated high school my parents moved into a suburb so my little brother and sister definitely are not outside as much as I was and it worries me because of the reasons your book talk about.
