Thursday, November 17, 2011

Share & Voice: Environmental News Network

The Environmental News Network offers a bunch of top stories in America on the environment and how it affects our body.  It is not run by the government which is something that comes in handy when trying to look at things from a different point of view.

One of the articles I read was Saving the Environment One Spoon at a Time. A spoon has been developed that   only takes 3-5 weeks to biodegrade. We've talked a lot about bags while shopping, but I hadn't given much thought to how many plastic utensils are used especially with how much our country relies on fast food. The spoons have a similar texture as a milk carton so they aren't all that sturdy. Hopefully they can improve them a bit so that it is easier to eat!

One thing I really like about this website is that in the article they offer a lot of links. This makes it very easy to understand what you are reading because you can look up anything you need more information about!


  1. I guess I haven't given much thought to plastic utensils either. I normally am thinking about plastic bags or bottles because I feel like that those are the more popular topic. Plastic utensils are just as important! Although I didn't know it only takes 3-5 weeks for them to biodegrade, I always thought it took longer, I don't know why. This is very interesting, thanks for sharing!

  2. That's neat that they're trying to develop technology like that which is more biodegradable. In my opinion though, I feel we should be focusing more on making reusable utensils more handing to carry around where ever you go and cheap enough to be distributed by businesses.

  3. Good idea! I just think of how much incredible technology we have in our country today, so why not make as many things environmentally friends as possible?! This is so practical, but so helpful. Once the ball is rolling, it will keep going. I can't wait to see every product that is currnetly plastic or paper turned into an eco-friendly and biodegradable product, our planet will look so much cleaner and we will all be healthier due to less toxins.
