Monday, December 5, 2011

Advocacy Project: Fact Sheet

What is the issue?
  • The Great Lakes are at risk of an increase in pollution
  • Currently, not all streams that flow into the lakes are being treated
What are the effects of pollution in the Great Lakes?
  • Many of us drink water from the Great Lakes which is very dangerous if it is polluted
  • We can come in contact with more harmful bacteria and viruses
  • Recreational activities in the Great Lakes is at risk and harmful if the water is not monitored
This type of pollution is called Source Water Pollution.
  •  Every day, 2 million tons of sewage and industrial and agricultural waste are discharged into the world’s water
  • The St. Louis River has already been declared an area of concern by the EPA
    • This is the largest tributary to Lake Superior
    • 9 out of the 14 beneficial uses of the tributaries are impaired
What can you do?

1 comment:

  1. Two million tons of sewage go into clean water daily?!! That is insane and needs to be acted upon. What is the alternative to dumping waste in the clean lakes? Has there been research on where else it could go? Water is so valuable to waste and contaminate, especially when it is being done deliberately. Your fact sheet is really helpful and educational!
