Friday, December 16, 2011

Share & Voice: Local Products

I have to apologize for the poor picture quality, it was taken on my cell phone. This is a picture of a poster in a local bar that says "Buy American, Locally Owned, Grain Belt Premium Will Change the World... I Don't Know How but it Will!"

I've seen this poster countless times in the past but never really thought anything of it. Even the poster says it doesn't know how buying Grain Belt will change the world. After this class I've been introduced to the idea of buying locally. I knew it was important but never really understood how it effects us. It also is a way of voting with our dollar. I don't recall what movie it was but it showed a clip of the grocery store that offers locally grown products, you just have to look a little harder. I want to take the extra time to look to benefit our community. 

I did a little search on local food and came across the Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture.  It is a group that supports farmers, families, restaurants, and grocery stores. You can donate to them and they support local farmers who then sell their products to the community. It even offers contact information of the farmers who have products to offer year round. It is based out of MA so they don't have information about our area, but what a great idea! I wonder how many farmers we could get involved.. 

1 comment:

  1. Really cool idea. I think if there was a place people could go to get information about how to find good local food in Duluth, it would help a lot. People need more choices than just Whole Foods because not everyone lives by there or can afford it. Raising awareness and money to support local farmers and food producers is a great idea, I'd be on board!
